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Al JalahmaSmall Platform Scissor, Hydraulic Scissor Lift,
News For Digital DignityApplications are invited for 5 postdoctoral positions in the new ERC consolidator grant project on small social media platforms. Visit LMU job board for the links and full description of the positions. Contact ai4dignity
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Machu Picchu - WikipediaIn 1983, UNESCO designated Machu Picchu a World Heritage Site, describing it as a masterpiece of art, urbanism, architecture and engineering and a unique testimony of the Inca Civilization. 9
ESA - Our MissionsLaunched: 2018Mapping Earth's global wind fields
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Guillaume Chereau WebsiteThis famous puzzle goes like this: Two bicycles are traveling toward each other at the same speed until they collide; Meanwhile a fly is traveling back and forth between them, also at a constant speed. The bicycles start
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Kayak Fishing Tale s Archives - Watch Fishing TVJim Sammons, Ken Whiting and Jeff Goudreau go fishing for pike, grayling and walleye in the Umpherville River, Northern Canada.
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